The Wonders of Garlic for Immune Health & More
Garlic may or may not ward off vampires, but it has some pretty serious health benefits that will make you want to always have some on hand. Throughout the years, garlic has seen a lot of use for medicinal purposes....
Top Herbs & Natural Ingredients for Hair Care
Modern day hair care is convenient. It gives you a fast way to get your hair looking the way you want it to, but it doesn't necessarily nourish your hair or scalp and keep them healthy long-term. And, of course,...
9 Surprising Health Benefits of Raw Honey
Many people may think of honey as just another sweetener, but those in the natural health world know better. And with more studies coming out that confirm some of the health benefits of raw honey, people are starting to take...
Top Benefits of Fire Cider + How to Make It
If you're looking for a fiery tonic to boost immune strength going into fall and winter, look no further than fire cider. This traditional remedy has been around for hundreds of years (maybe more) and is still going strong. Every herbalist seems...
7 Benefits of Mugwort: The Dreaming Herb
What Is Mugwort? Mugwort is an herb with a fascinating history. It was once used by Roman soldiers in their sandals to relieve foot fatigue and has also seen frequent use as an herb to promote lucid dreaming. Though mugwort is...
Brighten Up Your Health with Lemon & Orange Peel
The peels of citrus fruits usually end up in the garbage (or hopefully the compost pile). They are tough to chew and bitter, so it's not surprising that most people don't give them a second thought. This is not true,...
What Is an Herbal Infusion? + How to Make One
Herbal infusions are one of the easiest ways to make use of herbs. For many people, they are the gateway to herbalism because they are easy to make and bring out the joy of using herbs. An infusion can be...
What Is an Herbal Extract? + How to Use One
As soon as you step into the world of herbalism, you're most likely going to run across terms you don't know. This is true whether you simply want to use herbal preparations or whether you want to try your hand...
Best Herbs for a Parasite Cleanse + Other Remedies
Parasites are a problem around the world. They are especially prevalent in undeveloped countries and regularly cause severe health symptoms as well as death. Even in developed countries, like the U.S., intestinal parasites are more common than you might think. Though...
Benefits of Meadowsweet: An Herb for Pain & Digestion
Meadowsweet is an herb that not many people have heard of (besides herbalists), but it has a long history of use in traditional medicine and deserves recognition as the plant that played a big role in the development of aspirin....
14+ Best Essential Oils for Kids + Using Them Safely
If you love using essential oils for yourself, it's only natural to wonder about using them for your children. After all, they have many beneficial properties and offer relief for some everyday ailments. The good news is you can use...
What Is Colloidal Silver? + Main Health Benefits
Colloidal silver is a relatively new natural remedy that has been making waves. It can be useful in certain situations when you want a natural therapy, but many people aren't quite sure what it is or what it can do. The...
8 Natural Burn Remedies to Know About
Burns are sure to happen in life, especially if you have small children. An accidental brush with a hot stove, coffee spilled on a lap, touching a casserole dish just out of the oven- all things our skin just can't...
8 Matcha Benefits for Your Skin & Health
Matcha is one of those beverages many people have strong feelings about. It has a bright "green" flavor with a slight bitterness. Those who don't like it often describe it as "grassy", but many others find matcha to be smooth...
Best Herbs for Your Lungs & Respiratory Support
In a world of allergens, viruses, and air pollution, our respiratory systems frequently need some extra support. Herbs can provide a world of help for your lungs and other parts of your respiratory system: nasal passages, sinuses, throat, etc. There...
Top 7 Uses of Milk Thistle for Liver Health & More
Milk thistle is considered an annoying weed by many, yet is also a powerful herb that has been used for at least a few thousand years. Just a few traditional uses for milk thistle include treating liver disorders, snakebites, and...
12 Cleansing Herbs to Help Detoxify Your Body
Detoxing may sound like a modern day fad, but it's actually an ancient health practice that was around long before the media and celebrities caught onto it. Often done in the spring after the heavy food and inactivity of winter,...
Top 7 Benefits of Cilantro and Coriander
Cilantro is one of the most polarizing herbs out there. Some people love it, while others hate it and think it tastes like soap. If you do like cilantro, that's good news because it's filled with nutrients and has several...
Best Herbs and Natural Remedies for Itchy Bug Bites
Mosquitos and other biting pests are one of the downsides of summer and leave you with annoying, itchy bites that take forever to go away. It's a little known fact but the itchiness and swelling of bug bites doesn't come...
12 Best Natural Allergy Remedies
Allergies are one of the most common ailments people deal with and can really ruin your day (or month). And though severe allergies typically need medical attention, there are some excellent natural allergy remedies than can help more moderate reactions....
11 Effective Home Remedies for Sunburn
There are many benefits to soaking up some sunshine (including getting your daily dose of vitamin D), but sunburn isn't such a great thing. Fortunately, there are several easy and effective home remedies for sunburn you can use to soothe...