Natural Remedies, Herbs, Holistic Healing Tips & More

Detoxing for Pregnancy
Detoxing for Pregnancy: 3 Ways to Start Your Journey
7 Ways To Support Your Family's Immune System
Feeling festive... or not so much? Frequent illnesses, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, and wounds that are slow to heal are all signs of a weak immune system.  A strong immune system is one of the keys to avoiding the cold and the...
The Fertile Kitchen: 6 Easy Steps to Revamp Your Nourishment
The Fertile Kitchen: 6 Easy Steps to Revamp Your Nourishment Curating a fertile kitchen takes patience, planning, routine, and lots of love. Similar to the process of tracking your fertility during the trying to conceive stages. It takes understanding what...
"Some women just can't breastfeed."
"I'm sorry. Some women just can't breastfeed." I heard this time and time again. Doctors, lactation consultants, and pediatricians all saying the same thing. Some women just can't. But why? And is there overcome that? I had my first son...
2018 Midwifery Scholarship recipients!
Euphoric Herbals 2018 Midwifery Scholarship winners announced!
Midwifery Scholarship Winners!
Mama Tribe, Earlier this year I announced our first annual $1000 midwifery scholarship. Midwives are near and dear to my heart for many reasons. Years ago I thought I was called to become one, I did end up becoming a...
15 Black Midwives You Should Know
Black Midwives we should know: Past, Present & Futuristic There are a few midwives here I have mentioned who have transitioned and who are currently with us that I thought were worth mentioning that have had an impact in midwifery...
Lush Leche Product Profile
  Lush Leche is a herbal blend for nursing and pumping mothers to increase milk supply and enhance wellness. Organic Ingredients: Moringa leaf, Goats Rue, Spirulina, Marshmallow Root, Blessed Thistle, Fennel Seed and Alfalfa leaf. Customers that choose Lush Leche...
Opening an Herbal Apothecary in Delaware
Learn more about Delaware's first herbal apothecary!
How to get your free breast pump — Step-by-step and FAQs
Dealing with the intricacies of health insurance isn’t exactly the fun part of any pregnancy. But a free breast pump? Yes, please! Under the Affordable Healthcare Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, health insurance companies are required to provide “breastfeeding support,...
What is Goats Rue and how does it impact breastfeeding?
Don’t let the name fool you — goat's rue has helped countless women along their breastfeeding journey. 
What is Moringa?
What is Moringa? Move over matcha. Moringa — or moringa oleifera, to be specific — is the latest trend that’s taking over everything from teas to smoothies.
10 Natural Essentials for Back to School Wellness
10 Natural Essentials for Back to School Wellness The new school year means new teachers, new friends, but also, new germs. It’s the unofficial start of “sick” season. While many parents are secretly (or not so secretly) doing a happy...
Pump pressure: 5 questions every pumping mama has asked
Pump pressure: 5 questions every pumping mama has asked It's 3 am — just you, your pump and your phone. The makings of a Google onslaught. For many a new mama, breastfeeding brings its own set of challenges. But there's...
Natural Remedies for Soothing Baby's Bowels
Natural Remedies for Soothing Baby's Bowels Sometimes, even our little ones have digestive issues.  It can be really hard to figure out what’s going on when their diet is pretty much breast milk and mushy vegetables, fruits or cereal.   Often it is...
2017 Midwifery Scholarship Winners!
Friends, I am delighted and honored to announce to you the 2017 scholarship winners!  Announcing midwifery scholarship winners! Posted by Euphoric Birth & Herbals LLC on Monday, June 26, 2017
11 Natural Solutions For Postpartum Depression

Most likely, you’ve been diagnosed with PPD or feel that you may have it.  So I won’t dig into the risk factors, causes, and all of that.  You’re here for solutions.  

Yes!  There are many natural things that you can do to help treat and get you out of your depressive state.

Meet "Blossom": the Ultimate Mother's Lounge Caravan
Before I could even drive I've always wanted a vintage Volkswagen, preferably a bus or a Karmann Ghia. I actually wanted a vintage VW bus so I could tour with Phish after I finished high school.  I was chasing down...
Breastfeeding through a Thyroid Disorder
December 2008 I made an appointment with my family doctor because for a few weeks I had been having dizzy spells. I had assumed initially they were related to being hypoglycemic so when I increased my food consumption  they persisted...
Placenta Encapsulation: 5 Questions to ask when hiring a specialist.
Tips for Hiring a Placenta Encapsulation Specialist This article was also featured in Natural Mother Magazine  Placenta encapsulation is growing in popularity and awareness of the amazing benefits it provides. More women are seeking out placenta encapsulation specialists to provide this...