Natural Remedies, Herbs, Holistic Healing Tips & More

6 Healing Benefits of Motherwort for Women
Motherwort (botanically known as Leonurus cardiaca) is a member of the mint family and an herb used especially for women's health. The many benefits of motherwort range from its effectiveness as a heart tonic to its calming properties. Sometimes called...
Goat's Rue to Increase Your Breast Milk Supply
You can find many herbal supplements that claim to help women make more amounts of breast milk. One popular supplement is goat’s rue, but many women wonder if it is safe for breastfeeding babies and moms. Another question is, does...
Breastfeeding Basics: Tips for Nursing Your Baby
What are Breastfeeding Tips for Nursing Your Baby?You’ve probably seen moms breastfeeding, and they make it look effortless. Without missing a beat of the conversation or eating their lunch, they can open the button on the shirt and bra, latch the...
5 Health Benefits of Dandelion + Dandelion Tea Recipe
Dandelion is a somewhat infamous plant. Those who love a perfectly green and "weed" free lawn are constantly waging war against dandelions. And yet, dandelion is a much-loved herb in herbal medicine with many health benefits. The whole plant -...
From Bed-sharing to Toddler Bed. When and How?

By bed-sharing you have likely avoided some pitfalls of crib-sleeping like broken bones from jumping, sleep training with bars as separation, and the frequent recalls of dangerously made cribs. What you may not have escaped is sleep deprivation many families face when bed-sharing toddlers get a bit wilder in their sleep. Or maybe you are done with very frequent night nursing but you want to make any new sleep transitions gradual and gentle.

So, what’s next?

What is a galactagogue?
AlfalfaAniseBarley Blessed ThistleBlue Vervain Fennel FenugreekGarlicGingerGoats RueHopsNettleOatstrawMarshmallow Root Milk ThistleMoringa ShatavariSpirulina
What is Galactagogue? Do I really need one?
“You are what you eat,” is a statement that many of us have heard before. For nursing mothers, it couldn’t be anymore truthful. What you eat influences how much milk you are able to produce, and the nutrients you consume...
Supplement FAQ
Common questions to using Euphoric Herbals supplements to increase milk supply.
5 Tips That Can Make Breastfeeding Less Painful
Many mothers await the day they can cradle their infant in their arms. Breastfeeding is, after all, the beginning of your relationship with your child. However, new moms oftentimes find that nursing is uncomfortable, unbearable, and sometimes so painful that...
Low Breast Milk Supply: Why it Happens and What to do About It
Many moms throughout America worry about breastfeeding and whether they will have enough milk to support their newborn’s appetite. Don’t worry. We assure you that you’re doing a wonderful job and that your baby is growing up well. But if...
4 Amazing Benefits of Peppermint + Simple Peppermint Tea Recipes
Few plants will grow more happily, even in poor conditions, than members of the mint family. Mint is widely used as a flavoring and can add a refreshing coolness to a pitcher of water in the summer or a cup...
5 Simple Natural Remedies for Morning Sickness
There are some simple natural remedies that can be used to help alleviate symptoms of morning sickness. These remedies range from herbs to vitamins to eating habits.
Red Raspberry Leaf Benefits and Uses for Women
Red Raspberry Leaf Benefits & Uses for Womens Health.
What Are Adaptogens? + 5 Adaptogenic Herbs to Try
What Are Adaptogens? + 5 Adaptogenic Herbs to Try Stress is unfortunately a part of life, and it’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes we need stress to motivate us or to let us know that something is wrong. If you find yourself dealing with stress-related fatigue and decreased mental alertness, adding adaptogenic herbs into your daily routine could make a big difference! Take advantage of this powerful class of herbs today.
Tea of the Month: Vascular Toning Tea
Natural remedies for varicose veins, spider veins and hemorrhoids.
6 Calming and Relaxing Herbal Teas for Stress
6 Calming and Relaxing Herbal Teas for Stress Stress is a common problem in our busy, fast-paced world. Certain seasons of life are more stressful than others, but feeling anxious and overwhelmed has unfortunately become a part of life for...
5 Surprising Stinging Nettle Benefits + Ways to Use It for Health
Stinging nettle sounds like a plant to be avoided (and it can give a nasty sting or rash when the fresh leaves brush up against skin). But despite its name, nettle has many health benefits and is one of the...
Natural Remedies For PUPPS Rash During Pregnancy
PUPPS rash (also known as PUPPS) is an itchy skin condition that can affect women during pregnancy. The letters stand for pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (no wonder they shortened it). In many cases, PUPPS will develop in...
A Day With The Modern Doula (Part 1)
The joys of being a doula comes in many forms. Seeing a mother blossom into modern mamahood is one of my biggest joys. Those moments are precious and it’s always amazing knowing that I was there to help and gently...
Doula Approved Apps For Fertility, Pregnancy, And Beyond
Doula approved apps for Fertility & Ovulation.
What is Birthpedia?
What is Birthpedia and why every pregnant woman needs it.