12 Best Natural Allergy Remedies
Allergies are one of the most common ailments people deal with and can really ruin your day (or month). And though severe allergies typically need medical attention, there are some excellent natural allergy remedies than can help more moderate reactions....
11 Effective Home Remedies for Sunburn
There are many benefits to soaking up some sunshine (including getting your daily dose of vitamin D), but sunburn isn't such a great thing. Fortunately, there are several easy and effective home remedies for sunburn you can use to soothe...
6 Top Feverfew Uses and Benefits
Feverfew is a medicinal herb with uses that go back at least to 60 AD and possibly longer. It has a rich history of use in many ancient traditions and has sparked modern research studies because of its potential to...
What Is Kombucha? 6 Benefits to Know About
Kombucha is a "new" popular health drink that has started appearing in more and more stores. It also happens to be an ancient beverage that has been enjoyed for thousands of years. A fermented beverage, kombucha has some major potential...
8 Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms + Top Shrooms to Try
Mushrooms are a very unique type of food. Many people either love them or hate them, mostly due to their texture. They have a good supply of certain nutrients (especially wild-grown ones), and specific types referred to as medicinal mushrooms...
How to Use Essential Oils for 'Smell Training' After COVID-19
Many people are discovering an unexpected side effect of COVID-19: the loss or impairment of their sense of smell. It takes a loss of this type to realize how important our sense of smell is. Not only does it allow...
5 Benefits of Lovely Linden Flower + Tea Recipe
Linden flower is a sweet and gentle herb with calming, soothing properties. It is a great herb for children because of its gentleness but is just as beneficial for adults. The main benefits of linden are for the heart- both...
Breastfeeding A Premature Baby
Breastfeeding a premature baby presents its own set of unique challenges. Nonetheless, the nutrition that breastfeeding provides to preemies is absolutely essential, which means that it's critical for moms of these babies to succeed at nursing. Try all of these...
11 Herbs for Brain Health, Mental Energy, & Focus
Does your brain ever feel tired, unfocused, or fuzzy? There's a lot that affects the health of our minds, so it's not surprising that they eventually start to feel less sharp than they used to. But that doesn't mean you...
Why Breastfeeding at Night is Important
Your bundle of joy has finally arrived, and while you couldn't be more grateful, being a new mom is challenging, too. One of the hardest adjustments to make is getting so little sleep. A lack of sleep can start to...
Natural Induction Tips
Natural induction — Get the party started! As you near the end of your pregnancy, you may wonder when you will finally get to meet your baby.  The reality is, it is the baby who starts labor through a process...
What is Yerba Mate? + 6 Key Benefits
Yerba mate is a popular South American beverage that is proving to have some major health benefits. It's the national drink of Argentina and is starting to become popular worldwide. Many people are loving yerba mate as an alternative to...
Benefits of Sea Moss + How to Make Sea Moss Gel
Irish moss, also known as Irish sea moss, isn't a moss at all. It's actually a seaweed that grows in the waters of the Atlantic ocean. Because of the many benefits of Irish moss, it's now labeled a "superfood" by...
Calcium Deficiency in Babies - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
New moms have one important thing in common: They all want to do what is best for their baby. Most of the time, this means exclusively breastfeeding their baby for at least the first six months. However, this is not...
Top Benefits of Hawthorn Berry: The Heart Healer
Hawthorn is much valued in herbalism as an herb of the heart. The berries are most frequently used, although the leaves and flowers possess beneficial qualities as well. Not just for your physical body, there are benefits of hawthorn berry...
Why Breastfeeding Should Be Allowed In Public
It seems like there is a story every day in the media about a breastfeeding mom who was shamed in public. Some of these stories are nothing short of shocking. Breastfeeding moms have been told to go into a public...
7 Incredible Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is an ancient tree that's most well known for its brain-boosting benefits. The leaves and plant extract have been used for thousands of years, especially in Chinese medicine. The trees themselves symbolize longevity and enlightenment in Asian countries....
Flutter Sucking And Comfort Nursing
If you are a new mom, then you are probably still learning about breastfeeding. That is totally natural and absolutely to be expected. After all, you and your baby need to get to know each other. You'll discover that your...
6 Health Benefits of Oregano Herb & Oil
Oregano is a very familiar Mediterranean herb. It has a strong, herbaceous flavor and is a staple in many cuisines. There are also several very potent health benefits of oregano that make it much more than just a culinary herb....
Does My Baby Have Eczema?
Your baby has finally arrived, and you are overjoyed. However, you notice that your infant has a few patches of rashy skin. What does that mean? For many, it may mean a case of infant eczema. This non-contagious condition can...
Should I Use a Pacifier While Breastfeeding?
It seems like medical experts have changed their tune many times over the last few decades about using pacifiers. This can make it really confusing for new moms, especially those who are breastfeeding their babies. Is it OK to give...