Best Herbs for Natural Pain Relief & Inflammation
Dealing with pain can be exhausting and draining. It's no wonder that the first solution is often to reach for an over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription painkiller. Yet, more and more people are also looking to herbs and other natural remedies...
Nipple Vasospasm and Breastfeeding: What You Need To Know
So many people tell you that breastfeeding should be a wonderful moment, but no one discusses what could happen unexpectedly. One of those things is nipple vasospasm. One moment, you might be settling in for a quiet moment with your...
Are Essential Oils Safe While Breastfeeding?
Essential oils have so many great properties that make them beneficial for tons of everyday uses. More and more women seem to be stocking at least a few bottles and using them on a daily basis. But when it comes...
8 Ways to Have a Naturally Healthy Pregnancy
Living a natural lifestyle helps protect you from many harmful chemicals and toxins found in everyday products and foods. This is especially vital when it comes to having a healthy pregnancy. Natural health during pregnancy doesn't have to be complicated....
6 Benefits of Catnip for Humans + How to Use
Catnip is an herb most often associated with the euphoric effect it can have on cats, but it also has many benefits for humans. It is not just for cats. 🐱 Though it's perhaps most famous for causing comical cat...
What Breastfeeding Feels Like
If this is your first baby, you are likely to have questions about breastfeeding and latching. You’re wondering how it’s going to feel. Of course, it is important to know these things before the baby arrives so that you are...
Best Herbs for Pregnancy + Which Ones to Avoid
Choosing herbs for support during pregnancy is becoming much more common as a growing number of pregnant women want a natural way to nourish their bodies and their growing babies. You'll likely hear contradictory statements surrounding using herbs for pregnancy....
St. John's Wort Benefits for Mood and Skin
What are the benefits of St. John's Wort? St. John's wort has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years and still remains popular due to its powerful health benefits. It was valued by ancient Greek physicians, especially...
Why Breastfeeding Prevents Breast Cancer
You probably have a hundred and one reasons to breastfeed your baby. Breastmilk provides a full spectrum of protein, fats, and vitamins for growth and development, and it can be digested more easily than formula. Furthermore, breastmilk contains the antibodies...
10+ Best Natural Oils for Happy Skin
Plant-based oils are usually the foundation of natural skin care. They can hydrate, smooth, and soften skin and provide the base ingredient for many different products. Our skin undergoes quite a few changes as we grow and get older. For...
Echinacea During Breastfeeding: Can I Use It?
Nursing mothers often use herbal and dietary supplements to ensure that they are at their healthiest for their growing baby. At the same time, you need to be aware of what is in those supplements you are taking, because some...
Iron in Breast Milk - Does my breastfed baby need an iron supplement?
Many people believe that giving babies iron supplements after they reach six months of age is important. While this might seem to be common knowledge, it is not necessarily supported by research. Here is what you need to know about...
Pregnancy and Essential Oils: Safety + Best Ones
One of the most popular natural health remedies right now is essential oils. You've likely heard at least something about their many benefits and uses. But what about pregnancy and essential oils? Many women want something natural to help their...
Nutritional Benefits Of Vegetarian Diet For Breastfeeding Mothers
More and more people are eating less meat or converting over to a completely plant-based diet. Your optimized diet may have suited you before you were pregnant and maybe even during, but now that you are breastfeeding (or are planning...
Can Breastfeeding Cause Dehydration?
When you breastfeed, you are actually hydrating your baby and yourself. Your breastmilk contains almost 90 percent water. Research has shown that new mothers don’t have to drink any more than what’s needed to quench their thirst. Generally, experts do...
12 Essential Oils for Skincare + Ways to Use Them
Essential oils can be a powerful and completely natural addition to your daily skincare routine. They've been used in both ancient and modern cultures for a variety of health reasons, and skincare is no exception. Essential oils are the extracts...
Vitamin B6 and Breastfeeding
B vitamins consist of eight water-soluble options. They’re typically found in foods, such as bananas, potatoes, tempeh, lentils, tuna, liver, and brewer’s yeast. Usually, these water-soluble vitamins aren’t stored by your body, so they must be eaten regularly in your...
High Muscle Tone and Breastfeeding
There are a million and one things to think about now that you are a new mother and want to breastfeed your baby. Special considerations sometimes have to be made if you notice that your little one doesn’t seem quite...
Why Is Breastfeeding Tiring?
Being a mom will no doubt leave you tired and wishing for a nap. But who knew that breastfeeding alone could make you more sleepy? Since breast milk is usually your baby’s source of sustenance, you will want to know...
Top Benefits of Astragalus: Immunity & More
Astragalus root is a powerful medicinal herb that comes to us from traditional Chinese medicine. Western herbalists have emphatically embraced this herb, one of the best for strengthening immune health, and the benefits of astragalus are attracting more and more...
Everything You Need to Know About Tattoos and Breastfeeding
Throughout the world, two things are seeing a resurgence: breastfeeding and tattoos. You may have been considering the effects of tattoos on breastfeeding or have planned on getting tattooed. You might have heard some common myths about breastfeeding with tattoos...