Are There Foods That Give Babies Gas While Breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to give your newborn a whole bunch of nutrition and powerful antibodies. In fact, breast milk is loaded with the essential vitamins and minerals a growing baby needs. Plus, you get to bond...
Health Benefits of Shatavari Root for Women
Shatavari root, also known as wild asparagus, is a medicinal herb that's often used in Ayurvedic medicine. It's also becoming more popular in the West, especially for women, since shatavari has many health benefits for the female body through all...
Is CBD Safe While Breastfeeding?
Sometimes you need a helping hand to get through the stress of being a new mother. Since certain medications, food, and beverages are out of bounds, you might be seeking a more natural aid, like CBD oil. These days, you...
What You Need To Know About MRSA and Breastfeeding
One of the things a new mother doesn’t want is sickness when breastfeeding. Some things can be prevented and avoided, while other things, like a staph or MRSA infection, seem to happen when you least expect it. The bacteria that...
Why Does Breastfeeding Hurt?
Breastfeeding is supposed to be a special time between you and your baby. So why does it hurt so much? If you find yourself thinking that more often than not, then something is wrong. Breastfeeding isn’t the easiest thing to...
7 Fenugreek Benefits for Health + How to Use It
Fenugreek is an herb often used to flavor Indian dishes and also contains many potential health benefits. It has been used for thousands of years in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to treat different health concerns. (1) Fenugreek has lately gained...
Sensory Processing Disorder and How It Impacts Breastfeeding
When your baby is born, they are brought into a world that is rich in sights, scents, textures, tastes, and sounds. They have come from a place where all these senses were muffled, and now they are somewhere unknown. Over...
Top Benefits of Echinacea for Immunity & More
eEchinacea, also called coneflower, is a perennial flower you'll often see growing in gardens. Most varieties are purple, and it's much-loved by gardeners as a non-fussy and vigorous plant. The health benefits of echinacea also make it valuable as a...
Green Tea? Is it Safe To Drink While Breastfeeding?
When you have a baby, you start paying close attention to what you are consuming. You know that what you eat and drink will affect the quality of your breastmilk, as well as what the milk is made up of....
What Is Shea Butter? 7 Benefits for Skin and Hair
Shea butter is a popular ingredient in natural skincare products because of its many benefits for skin health. You’ve likely heard of it, but what exactly is shea butter? This nutrient-filled butter comes originally from Africa and is filled with...
When Can Babies Drink Bottled Water and Is It Safe?
The human body is made up of about 50-75 percent water, so you might be thinking that it is perfectly fine for your baby to drink water as regularly as you do. Surprisingly, little ones do not need water for...
Everything You Need To Know About Breastfeeding With Implants
Throughout the years, body augmentation has become increasingly popular. In fact, breast implants continue to be the most popular procedure done by plastic surgeons. In 2017, 290,467 people underwent surgery for breast implants, and that number has undoubtedly continued to...
Is Breastfeeding Safe When You Have a Fever?
Being a mom isn’t easy—don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! It is a full-time job that gives you no sick time or vacation days. You can’t call out sick when you’re feeling worse for wear. The good news is that...
Elderberry Benefits for Immune Health + More
What is Elderberry? Elderberry is becoming a much more well-known herbal remedy now that its benefits for immune health have become documented. It grows in popularity during the cold and flu season but is beneficial all year round. While elderberries do...
Blessed Thistle for Breastfeeding + Other Benefits
Blessed thistle is a spiky plant with many potential health benefits, including increasing milk supply for breastfeeding. This fascinating herb was once used to treat the bubonic plague. One legend has it that this particular thistle became known as 'blessed'...
How To Deal with a Sore Throat While Breastfeeding
Pregnancy and motherhood will take a lot out of you, especially if this is your first time breastfeeding. While the act of nursing may come naturally, there is also worry and stress involved. You may even get sick or end...
How Long Does Breast Milk Last?
There are many reasons to store breastmilk. You may be going back to work, running errands, or want your partner to experience the miracle of feeding. When this happens, you can express the milk and store it so that your...
Best Herbs to Use for a Headache
For many people, headaches are a common occurrence and something they have to deal with every day. Even the occasional headache can be a set-back and ruin a good day. Headaches range from uncomfortable and annoying to unbearably painful and...
Is It Safe to Eat Chocolate While Breastfeeding?
Are you a nursing mom? Do you crave chocolate, but don’t give in to the temptation because you worry it’s not safe for your breastfeeding baby? If you answered yes to these questions, you aren’t alone. Chocolate is quite tempting,...
What Is Spirulina? + 7 Key Health Benefits
Spirulina is quickly growing in popularity as a dietary supplement and a superfood. While some supplements and so-called 'superfoods' don't live up to all the claims made about them, spirulina is packed with nutrients and has many legitimate health benefits....
Can Breastfeeding Cause An Irregular Menstrual Cycle?
The menstrual cycle is closely related to fertility, pregnancy, and even your breastmilk production, because of the close interplay between female hormones. This is why a change in hormone levels can cause the onset of ovulation just like it triggers...