What Is Uva Ursi herb? Uva ursi has a long history of use in herbal medicine with special benefits for preventing and treating urinary tract infections. It goes by many other names including bearberry, mountain cranberry, kinnikinnick, and sandberry. Uva...
What Is Diatomaceous Earth? Diatomaceous earth is a fascinating and completely natural substance that has many uses around the home, including for health, as well as out in the garden. If you've never seen it before, diatomaceous earth (often shortened...
What are Natural Remedies to Quit Smoking? Smoking cigarettes is an addictive habit that many people want to quit. In fact, surveys frequently find that at least 68% of adult smokers would like to stop smoking. (1) If you fall...
What is Horehound Herb? Horehound is a somewhat forgotten herb that nevertheless has powerful health-boosting properties. It has been used for centuries for all kinds of respiratory ailments and is one of the main ingredients in Ricola cough drops. This...
What Is Nutmeg? Nutmeg is a spice many people associate with the holidays and with pumpkin recipes, but it also has a very rich history of being used as a medicinal herb. It has warming qualities that stimulate circulation and...
What is Soursop? Soursop is a South American fruit that is both delicious and nutritious. It has been used as food and medicine by native people for centuries. About 140 years ago, soursop began to make its way to North...
Herbs are powerful plants that can be used in multiple ways. Each one has its own unique properties and works within the human body in a special way. Anyone can add these wonderful plants to their life, but it does...
What is Wild Cherry Bark? Wild cherry bark is an ingredient often used in herbal cough syrups and has a rich history of use as a cough-soother and more. It has a soothing, sedative-like action on the respiratory system and also...
Having a baby and now raising them is going to be as rewarding as it is stressful at times. For many new mothers, this means tackling sleepless nights, discomfort, and other problems that you weren’t prepared for. While motherhood can...
What herbs to use for Kidney & Urinary Support? You might not think about your kidneys or urinary tract very often, but they play a huge role in your overall health by removing waste products and excess fluids from your body....
What is an Herbal Syrup? Herbal syrups are a delicious, yet potent, natural remedy that make taking something good for you much easier. Anyone can enjoy an herbal syrup, but children seem to find them especially delightful and may take...
Thyroid issues are very common, affecting about 1 in 8 Americans and close to 200 million people worldwide. Women are more likely to develop a thyroid issue than men, and thyroid problems can have a big impact on your health...
What is Kava Root? Kava kava (sometimes shortened to kava or kava root) is an herb that comes from the Pacific Islands where it has been used for thousands of years. There is a lot of conflicting and confusing information...
What is Corn Silk? Have you ever spent time picking the tiny silken threads out of a cob of corn while you're husking it? Those threads, which can be annoying when they get stuck in your teeth or won't let...
Apricot oil is a lovely lightweight oil that has numerous benefits for your skin. It may sometimes get overlooked in favor of more popular oils like coconut oil or sweet almond oil (which are great, too), but it has unique...
What are the benefits of Angelica Root?Angelica is a powerful herb that hails from the northeastern part of the world. The roots of the plant are highly aromatic and have been used to flavor liquor and sweet confections for centuries....
What is Tribulus Root (Gokshura)? Tribulus is a tiny fruit that comes from eastern parts of the world and has just recently made its way to western countries. Herbalists who know about this plant often use it for hormone-related issues...
If you are interested in making your own herbal recipes, there are many reputable bulk herb retailers that can supply you with all the quality dried herbs you need. However, many of the most useful medicinal herbs are also very easy...
All berries are packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (not to mention fiber) that are good for your health. In fact, fruits like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries could easily be considered superfoods because of how fantastic they are. However, some...
What are the Best Herbs for Prostate Support? Most men will deal with some type of prostate problem during their lifetime, and the risk of something going wrong drastically increases after age 50. Unfortunately, there's no 100% certain treatment or remedy that...
It's safe to say that more people are interested in medicinal herbs and how to use them than ever before. Unfortunately, this popularity as well as environmental changes have led to certain native herbs being labeled as "at-risk". While herbalists once...