Lush Leche Product Profile


Lush Leche is a herbal blend for nursing and pumping mothers to increase milk supply and enhance wellness.

Organic Ingredients: Moringa leaf, Goats Rue, Spirulina, Marshmallow Root, Blessed Thistle, Fennel Seed and Alfalfa leaf.

Customers that choose Lush Leche often have a history of IGT (insufficient glandular tissue), PCOS, insulin resistance or have had a breast augmentation (reduction or implants). Goats Rue stimulates breast mammary tissue. Goats rue contains "galegin", the same substance metformin contains, which is commonly prescribed to women with PCOS to help with insulin resistance. 

Moringa leaf is considered a "superfood". Nursing mothers can get more vitamins, minerals, and proteins than most vegetables. Moringa amazingly contains 92 nutrients and 46 types of antioxidants. It has essential amino acids, carotenoids, and high contents of calcium and potassium. The increase in maternal nutrition can have a positive impact on milk supply. You can read more about Goats Rue here.

"I wasn’t too sure about Euphoric Herbals to begin with but I really wanted to make it to at least the one year mark breastfeeding my LO. I decided to give Lush Leche a try and boy am I thrilled I did. I went from not being too sure if I would make it to my goal to having an oversupply. The above picture is from my morning pump session. I went from about 3-4 ounces to just shy of 9 ounces. I love your products and I let every one of my new mommy friends know to head on over to your site. Keep up the great work!" - Jennifer (Read more reviews here) 

If you have a shellfish allergy, there is a possibility that Spirulina (derived from ocean algae) could result in an adverse reaction if it has come in contact with shellfish. However if you have consumed "green drinks/juices" they often contain spirulina. Some customers that have a shellfish allergy have taken Lush Leche without any adverse reactions. 

Disclaimer: This is a suggestion of a blend that may work for you, this is not a guarantee. When using herbal supplements to increase milk supply trial and error is necessary. While all our lactation products work to increase milk supply, they do not equally for everyone.

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